Monday, April 30, 2012

I scream, you scream, we're all making ice cream!

      Well I've had a busy week this week, but it was well worth it.  I've been wanting to do a post about ice cream for you, but I wanted to have a little more fun.  We were very lucky to have the first grade class from Low-country Prep join us a Hopsewee Plantation where we did a fun do it your self ice cream party.  Now there are a few different methods for making ice cream.  There are many machines that live in the freezer for churning your ice cream or there is the old traditional ice cream churn that uses ice and rock salt to get the ice cream cold enough as you are churning it.  The method that we used is very similar and uses the same general principals, but instead of a large batch of all the same kind of ice cream, we made small individual batches in plastic bags.  Ice cream base goes in a zip lock bag (with accoutrements) then that bag goes in another bag with ice and rock salt and you shake and squish to your hearts content until, almost like magic, you have ice cream.
      This is a great treat for a group of kids, like we had, but if you are going to do it, there is a little but of preparation a day before hand. A true ice cream base is like creme anglaise, but with cream as well as milk.  Start by making a double boiler with a pot large enough to put a mixing bowl in without it touching the water.  In another pan scald
2 cups Milk
While that is heating, take your mixing bowl and whisk
6 egg yolks (save the whites for another recipe, maybe an egg white fritata)
3/4 cup sugar
until they become thick and light. Then slowly whisk in the hot milk and put on the double boiler whisking until it becomes thick.  Be very careful not to let it go to long and overcook the eggs.  They will scramble! As soon as it thickens remove it from the heat, place in an ice bath.  Whisk in
1 cups cream
1 tsp vanilla extract
pinch of salt
Now this needs to be completely cool before you use it for making ice cream, so I suggest going ahead and making it a day before your party.  
I also made a coconut milk ice cream base for all of those with milk allergies out there.  I cheated a little with this one, but it still works pretty well, 1 and it's really easy.  Just
1 package of vanilla pudding
4 cups of so delicious coconut milk
Mix them together and chill.
Now the real fun begins.  We set this up with several different kinds of fruit: strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, cherries and bananas.  You can always use some other fun scatterings like m&ms, reeses cups, chocolate chips, coconut flakes or maybe some caramel.  You won't need a lot of stuff in your baggies because remember you are just making a single serving of ice cream.  Next you will add
1/2 cup ice cream base
to a sandwich bag.  Then that bag will go inside another with at least
1 cup ice and
1/4 cup rock salt
make sure both bags are well sealed and shake and squish to your hearts content. This will take  about 10 minutes, but in the end you should have a delicious, fun ice cream.  This is a great way to keep those hands that are so full of energy busy and even teach them a little about science. 

     And it makes mom's happy too! So don't forget to just have fun.   


  1. what an awesome thing to do for a group of kids.

    I remember doing that in one of my elementary classes. The teacher brought in a bunch of old fashioned churns, ingredients and we got to do it in groups (so everyone has to churn it) and we had to agree on flavors. It was a lot of fun.

  2. sounds like a great idea perhaps even for a party for kids Love your blog

    Beverly Cutshall

  3. Oh Beverly, a party is just what we did. We had about 20 first graders (and some of their parents) making ice cream, and everyone had a blast!
