Friday, April 13, 2012

An Introduction

      I suppose it's about time I tell you some things about myself.  I am 26 years old.  My family (the one that lives in the house with me) consists of my dear husband, Mark, a giant puppy (he's 4 and comes up about mid thigh) Bailey, and two cats Icarus and Jasmine.  We live in a little apartment right near Charleston harbor, and all in all we have a pretty good life.
       As for myself, there are a lot of things that I am very passionate about.  I love music, especially Irish and Appalachian folk music.  Odds are that if you ask me to sing for you I will have to decide just how many people are going to die in the song I choose, but I find that they are such beautiful, passionate pieces.  Singing is a spriitual release for me, even when it is about murders somehow it sets my soul at peace.
     Also, in case you haven't figured it out yet I am a very passionate about cooking.  I am a professional cook (of course) but aside from that I still come home every day excited about something I can cook for myself and my family.   I have to say, it's really wonderful to work with something I love enough to want to do it when I come home.  I feel lucky.

    I also just generally truly enjoy creating things.  Aside from making delicious food, I knit, sew, quilt, and make jewelry. Unfortunately I don't have as much time as I used to do work on all of these fun projects, and my knitting as definitely suffered since I moved back to South Carolina.  I create when I can though, and when I can't well I enjoy the things I've already made.  I love when someone asks me where I got a dress or a new pair of earrings being able to tell them that I made them myself! People are always so amazed that you can make things yourself. 
        All of these things, though, still don't really make who I am.  I am an independent woman  strives, above all else to treat others the way I want to be treated.  I am not going to pretend that I succeed, but it is always close to my thoughts.  I am a Christian not because I go to church every week or because I shout my faith to the world, but because I attempt every day to bring myself closer to Christ.  I do my best to embrace those around me that might not share the same ideals as I, or those who are less fortunate than myself.  I try to show love in my actions and words.  I am not perfect, but that doesn't keep me from working towards it every day. 
         In the end I will say I am a dreamer.  It's funny, I remember when I was young, maybe in 3rd or 4th grade I described myself the same way in a horrible poem my teacher had me write.  I think though, even at that young age I knew it.  I am a person who wants to see the world as a place where everyone is kind, and everyone does those things that they should do, the important things: hugging your children, laying in the grass watching the clouds, dancing in the rain, singing out loud with gusto (even when you sound bad), smiling often and doing what's right even when it hurts and isn't fair or easy.  This is the world I see when I close my eyes, the world I hope my children might one day realize. 

        So, there, in short, it a very little bit about me, but we all have to start somewhere. 

1 comment:

  1. I think you are cool, Eva, both before and after I read this. Liz S.
