Monday, August 13, 2012

What not to do to a cake

      When you are frosting a cake there are many things to think about, and tonight . . . well I was drinking and baking and I just forgot.  It's my dear husband's birthday tomorrow and I finally dragged out of him just what he wanted.  A spicy chocolate cake with Kaluah frosting.  I have a tried and true spicy chocolate cake recipe, but honestly it's a lot of work, and remember I was baking with a bit of booze.  And then those darn Duke's mayo commercials with the chocolate cake have been quite enticing, so I kinda decided to make the Duke's chocolate cake.
      I did change it a bit, because, you know, it's what I do.  For the water I substituted coffee.  Then I added come cayenne, chili flake and a bit of cinnamon to give it that nice Mexican hot chocolate flavor.  Otherwise I stuck to the recipe, and I'll tell you what, this cake really is moist and delicious.  But is it maybe a bit too moist? Well this it yet to be determined, as it's possible when I got to frosting I just didn't let it cool quite long enough. 
      The frosting you should know about from my previous blog post, but I kind of messed up.  I didn't have any butter  (I know, me, no butter, very strange) so I figured, you know, it will be ok with just the cream cheese and powdered sugar right? Yea no . . . it really needs the butter because the butter stiffens up more than the cream cheese will.  And even 3 pounds of powdered sugar didn't rescue it, in fact all it did was leave me with WAY too much frosting.
      So frosting made and cake cooled (or so I thought)  I started building my cake.  I have to say Thank God it was only 2 layers.  I did my crumb coat and put it in the fridge because my freezer really needs to be cleaned out.  When I came back it looked like this:
AAAAHHHHH ok, this is sad and horrible! My cake split into 4 pieces.  8( so sad.  So I put it back in for a bit longer hoping it would stiffen up enough that I could put another layer of frosting on it, but it never did (this is caused by the no butter thing)  So I tried to put another layer of frosting on the kind of glue it together.  Well this just made it worse.  Then as the sliding got worse (and the cake broke into now 5 pieces) I tried to push it back together and skewer it so that it wouldn't slide anymore.  UGH this is just a terrible nightmare.  UGLIEST CAKE EVER.
      No worries though, in the end we are having a party with friends and no one will much care what it looks like and eat it anyway, as long as it tastes good.  So we will cover it in candles, an spit all over it and devour.  Maybe I'll just pass forks around and have everyone dig in . . . or serve it with a big spoon . . . yea I'm bringing a spoon to the party.  Maybe we'll all be too drunk to notice anyway. ;)
      So I say cheers! And happy eating to all!

PS.  Thank you Susan for the suggestion to call this an Earthquake cake.  it's a perfect name for it.  Everyone loved it, we did eat it with spoons, and no one cared that it was ugly (in fact someone asked me it she could have one just like it, ugly fishers and all) Here it is all decked out for the party.  Couldn't take it out of the box because it was sure to fall apart even worse.  Notice (BTW) how this has now split into 5 pieces with the extra frosting I tried to put on it to glue it back together just dripping down into the cracks. 

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