Thursday, July 12, 2012

When it rains . . . it pours

      Literally! And yes, this post has absolutely nothing to do about food and is only related to work by the fact this happened while in my chef coat. 
      Walking to my car after work today and was just 100 feet from it and all the sudden a wall of rain came crashing down.  It was such a torrent of rain that I could not see the car in front of me, and I was in a park so there was so shelter of any kind.  So I put my head down and forged forward, eyes closed and hands outstretched, hoping that my car was still directly in front of me.  At some point I fell off the curb and crash landed in the car.  Still had to go down the other side to get in the drivers seat and got everything totally soaked.  It was crazy.
      Even after the drive home is was still pouring and I just took my shoes off and walked up to the apartment.  ended up standing in the door while Mark went to get me a towel.  Then of course 10 minutes later when I went to walk Bailey there wasn't a drop of rain . . . Sigh. . . such is life.

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