Monday, May 21, 2012

Not your momma's Brussel sprouts

       I grew up, just like most other kids, hating brussel sprouts.  I didn't actually hate them because I had eaten them and found them disgusting, rather, because well. . . kids hate brussel sprouts.  I realize that it was a little petty, but since I was finally given some that were absolutely delicious I am on a mission to convert the unbelievers!  So what do we do to make things that people are afraid of delicious. . . why we add bacon! This recipe is for Bacon braised brussel sprouts.  I actually made these for work this week, because we had a whole cause of them laying around, and had to go home and make them again.  Yes, they are that good.
      First things first, clean your fresh sprouts (don't get the frozen stuff, fresh is better I promise).  I got a one pound bag at the store for 4 dollars, and that should be plenty to feed 4 people.  To clean them use a pairing knife and carefully cut the base just to remove the exposed stem edge.   You will lose a few outer leaves in the process, but this is fine.  After that just cut it in half lengthways.  Put your sprouts aside and on to the next task.
Slice 4 pieces of thick cut bacon thinly and render some of the fat in a large heavy bottom pan.  While that is rendering cut the white part off one leek then cut it in half long ways, rinse it to clean the dirt, then thinly slice and add to your pan with the bacon.  Allow the leek and bacon to cook down together for a few minutes.  Next stir in 1 tsp minced garlic followed by your cleaned sprouts. Stir all of this up and allow it to sit for a minute or so before again, just to let the edges get a little brown.  After it begins to brown deglaze with 1/2  white wine, you know, whatever you are drinking.  Then sprinkle with 1 tsp salt, a couple grinds of your pepper mill and cover with 1 cup cream.
      Let it all come to a boil, stirring occasionally and then reduce to a very low simmer.  Slowly your cream will reduce and your sprouts will soften and absorb that wonderful bacony flavor.  Keep and eye on it and stir it every once in a while, if it gets too low on liquid add a bit more cream.  Check your sprouts, and when they soft through (go ahead and eat one) they are done, but don't forget to check your salt and pepper. 
These baby cabbages are super delicious with just about anything.  We had ours with roasted garlic mashed potatoes, ribeyes topped with blue cheese and a glass of red wine.  Hope you enjoy them as much as we did.


  1. that sounds delicious. I've sauteed them with bacon before and enjoyed it. It'd be something just for me and my mother-in-law, though... the men in the house would flat out refuse, bacon or no.

  2. Mark told me at Thanksgiving that he hates the things, and I heard him say on Saturday that they are delicious. You should just make them try them :)

  3. Actually Karl has been willing to give them a try in the past, but regardless of how they're cooked (even with the almighty equalizer that is bacon) he doesn't like them. His father is just flat out stubborn about anything green.

    I may try this out some time despite them. they can find something else to eat if they don't want them.
